Meet the Musicians: Ener Bladezipper
Ener Bladezipper started his musical career on the violin but was sold forever once he discovered electric bass. After touring with Dutch singers Marjol Flore and Liesbeth List as member of the Nico van der Linden trio, Ener moved to Austin, TX, where he hooked up with seasoned 'Mothers of Invention' musicians Jimmy Carl Black, Bunk Gardner and Don Preston. Together with Italian guitarist Sandro Oliva they formed 'The Grandmothers'. This band toured the world for more than two decades with a mix of original material and songs by Frank Zappa. Ener has contributed several beautiful fluid bass lines to 'No Time'. Listen to his work on the tracks 'Downtown Train', ' Danger' and 'While You See a Chance'

Ener Bladezipper